Dangers of Unkept Trees

One of the most common dangers of unkept trees is that they can cause damage to one’s property. Usually this happens due to outgrown limbs or branches that snap off and fall on top of the owner’s home or vehicle. Depending on the weight of the branch this can result in minor to severe damage of the owner’s property. A few reasons that a branch may just snap off like this is due to just the heavy weight of the branch and the tree can no longer hold it upright or the more likely reason is because a storm blows through and brakes off the branch.

Another problem unkept trees can cause are injuries to both people and animals. Imagine a scenario where that branch snaps off and falls, but instead of it falling on top of a house or vehicle it falls on top of a person or pet. There is also the scenario of people or pets climbing up trees and when they get to an insecure branch it could just brake off and result in the climber falling from a great height and could even get crushed by the branch resulting in severe injury. Unkept trees are just as much a danger to life as they are to property and need to be routinely maintained to prevent injury.

Unkept trees can also cause damage to public or city areas. One such area being power lines which can result from an overgrown tree branch snagging onto a power line and twisting it up or a branch that has grown over the power line may break off and fall on top of the line. This can result in the loss of power for a large area surrounding that power line. It’s possible that you can be held liable for any damages your tree may have caused to any areas that are not owned by you.

These are just a few of the dangers that unkept trees can cause. Should it seem like any of your trees pose any kind of danger such as the one's mentioned above it may be in your best interest to contact us and talk to a professional to get their expert opinion on the situation. They can then provide a solution to the problem, and this will help reduce the dangers your tree may pose to your property, people, and any other areas in close proximity to your home.


Information on Trees in Beaumont