How Tree Services Help Nature

There are multiple reasons why trees need to be taken care of. Trees absorb carbon dioxide and slow the buildup of this gas in our atmosphere. Excess amounts of carbon dioxide have been linked to climate change and global warming. Tree leaves will also filter out harmful pollutions in the air, but only if the area is within about 100 feet of a tree. That’s why it is wise to have a tree planted somewhere on your property if you don’t already have one. The filtration they provide can help reduce ailments such as asthma and heart disease. Trees also help to filter and clean our water supply. More than half of the water supply in the United States was stored and filtered by trees. Trees will slowly remove pollutants and sediments from rainfall then release the clean water back into waterways and filtration systems. Trees help out a lot, but they could use some help in making their job easier.

One way to help is the pruning of tree branches. Pruning helps to encourage tree growth and structure. By maintaining a trees structure this can help prevent outweighing branches from growing outward which can result in broken off branches. The pruning of dead branches can also help prevent disease or insect infestation on the tree and open up new growth opportunities for healthy, living branches. Pruning can help prevent any kind of damage or injuries to both people or your property and can also keep your tree healthy.

Another strategy to help the growth and wellbeing of trees is introducing a root barrier when planting new trees. A root barrier can help prevent roots from growing too far outward and instead promotes the growth of roots downward further into the soil. This is especially helpful whenever trees are planted near each other. Root barriers can prevent the entanglement of roots from different trees which can result in the choking and suffocation of trees. Root barriers also help when trees are planted near building or home foundations. Root barriers will prevent roots from growing into foundations which can have long lasting damage on one’s home.

Tree maintenance such as pruning, removal, and planting of new trees are all vital to the health and wellbeing of both trees and the areas they grow in. These services can prevent injuries to both people and animals, damage to the property the trees are on, diseases, and infestations. Services such as tree pruning, or trimming cannot just be done once every now and then either. The consistent upkeep and management of one’s trees and the surrounding area is vital for a healthy landscape.


Benefits of Tree Services Towards Your Property


Threats to Trees in Texas